Friday, October 08, 2010

Things I've Learned Lately

1.  Airborne (or even the generic equivalent) is some pretty potent-tasting stuff.  You're supposed to use 8 oz of water to dissolve it, but rather, I just do a third of my glass (just under 200 mL).  The less I need to chug, the better.  I refuse to dissolve it in soda or juice, because then I will just associate that with the nasty lemon-lime Airborne.  Hopefully I'm on the up-and-up, and if not, I've got most of this weekend to recover.

2.  After Fall Retreat, as one might expect with 112 people together all weekend, running around, playing games, etc., many people are sick.  Add injuries from soccer this week, and about half my geometry class was sick or injured.

3.  Pomegranates can be sour.  The other day I ate one, and had to have water nearby because the little seeds/fruits were so sour!  I gave some to a student, who proceeded to sputter and cough as she left the room for water.  "I promise I'm not trying to kill you," I told her.  "Yeah, right," she replied between her coughs.