Friday, April 29, 2011

Believe God's Truth when you struggle

The following is an excerpt from "The Other Side" of missions, a blog written by an MK from S. America.

I submit to you that mks are in a lot of trouble. God allows trials in our life that tend to be accompanied with troubles that we allow. We can find ourselves dwelling in caves of frustration, depression and loneliness because that trouble is carefully masked as believable lies. Read these and see if any sound familiar:

“I’m not at all what everyone in these churches think I am. I’m a horrible missionary kid and a terrible Christian.”
“I always seem to mess up and give a bad testimony to our people. Why even try to live this ministry-focused life?”
“Money is always tight. It’s my fault for asking for new books and new shoes.”
“No one seems to remember I exist when I am on the field. There must be something wrong with me.”
“I’ll never fit in. No one will ever want me. How in the world will anyone find me attractive when I’m so different?”

I could honestly go on and on. Where did I come up with those examples? Well, um, I have a cousin who has an aunt who knows a friend that has a sister that told me. Using Ps. 71:20-24 God opened my eyes to why He allows troubles to come and what He wants me to do with them. 

*God allows trials so I might rely on Him and recognize how helpless I truly am! Only He has the power to lift me out of my cave. Rather than resent the trials and troubles that sprinkle my life, I can rejoice in them as instruments that draw me closer to God. (vs. 20)
*God isn’t disgusted and repulsed by my needing Him. He loves it when I cry to Him! After He restores me and revives my heart, He blesses me beyond what I have known and He comforts me in a plethora of refreshing ways. It blows my mind that He would lovingly place trials in my path, give me the strength to grow through those trials, bless me even when I’m weak, and comfort me what I feel like I’ve made a mess of things! (vs. 21)
*The result of Him being God Almighty in my life is a daily praising of His name. What is the first thing listed that we praise God for? His Truth! As we are in times of trouble and testing, the devil will try to bring us down with his lies! (vs. 22)

Have you ever been there? In a cave infested with lies and doubts that leave you feeling exhausted, worthless, and empty? Being bombarded with lies is definitely seen as “trouble” in the Lord’s eyes! God helped me see that to defeat those lies I had to read the Truth and I had to believe it. (accept it as truth) If the Lord has shown you something that has helped you in this particular step, please pass it on!

I've realized lately that when I claim that I am left out of various gatherings (whether it's because I'm not in the US with my friends or because of some of the dynamics of life here) and dwell on this idea, it's actually because I am lonely and not turning to God like I should.  Dwelling on this idea that I am "out of the loop" just creates a pity party. 

God does and will deliver me from these lies, and I need to trust Him.