Saturday, November 07, 2009

More Quizzing Quotes

Quotes mostly unattributed; please claim your words.

"What's the capital of Boston?"

"No, I'm going to sit and watch you squirm"

Q: "Whose name was Mary?"
correct answer: The virgin
Cindi: Mary!

"Who is the new host of the Drew Carey?"

Matt, about Jen: "She spoke whale!!!" (yawning while reading the question)
Matt, also about Jen: "ooo, look at me, I'm trying to be French!"
Someone's answer to a question: "The baby. John. John the baby."

Years past:
me, probably: "Somebody's not suffering from osteoporosis tonight!"
Becky: "Pluto is my favorite planet in the whole world!"
Shea: "That came out of left field and landed in the end zone."
Lucas about the name Dorcas: "That's such a terrible name! She probably got made fun of in middle school!"
Anne L (who was about 6 at the time): "You won't get to eat dinner or go to sleep if you don't get up!"

"I saw it out of the corner of my mouth."

Jen: "I get distracted when I can't focus."

Anne L wanted to be a mom, an actress, or to teach little kids in school when she grew up.

1 comment:

Natalie Lloyd said...

These are so cute! :) I love funny quotes. When I worked in student ministry, we were doing a Bible Study on Esther. I said, "what was the last thing that happened?" And one girl was like, "The French peas pushed the piano off the balcony trying to kill Haman." And I kind of waited thinking, my word, was I sniffing glue before our last Bible Study. Then she said, "Oh! That's Veggie Tales."