So tomorrow I'm in a book group to discuss Lauren Winner's book "Mudhouse Sabbath," and I'm just starting the book now (borrowing it from Laura). :) Here are some quotes I found interesting:
"In churches and homes everywhere people are increasingly interested in doing Christianity, not just speaking or believing it." (xi)
"Practicing the spiritual disciplines does not make us Christians. Instead, the practicing teaches us what it means to live as Christians." (xii) {idea that practice makes perfect? hmm...helps us to love God more, to love others more?}
"What this all boils down to (and boiling is another thing you cannot do on Shabbat) is do not create....Do not create anything at all, for one of the things the Sabbath reprises is God's rest after He finished creating." (6)
"The Hebrew word for holy means, literally, "set apart." " (9)
"Rest for the sake of future productivity is at odds with the spirit of Shabbat...In observing the Sabbath, one is both giving a gift to God and imitating Him." (11)
"To keep kosher is to infuse the simple act of feeding oneself with meaning and consequence." (17)
"The voice is talking not just about food, but also about people; the instructions are not simply to eat, but also to invite both Jews and Gentiles into the Kingdom of God." [Acts 10] (20)
"This God who is interested in how we speak, how we handle our money, how we carry our bodies--He is also interested in how we live with food." (21)
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