"Some people came back silent, and some talked incessantly as though talking about a thing would make it vanish. Actually, just the opposite is true: once things and thoughts are expressed and described they acquire a new reality, as though by giving them words we give them part of ourselves. After that, they will not allow us to leave them behind." (Under a Cruel Star, 42)
Monday, November 27, 2006
figuring it out?
I guess since this would be a pretty big thing is why I want to try to get as much "figured out" as possible, and not rely on God so much. I'm not exactly stressed about it, it's more that I sit here and attempt to plan it all out when I've not even been accepted, and potentially two of my references aren't in yet. Technically THAT'S what I should "stress" about if I stress about anything.
Even so, I should be focusing more on my schoolwork (and not writing in here), probably actually going to bed at this point. I have about 2 more weeks till I go back home, and I have so much to get done....It's getting done on a step-by-step process, little by little. These next two weeks are going to be wicked intense, and maybe I'll be a hermit or something, maybe live in the library a good bit.
I've been doing some thinking about the whole idea of "love languages" (there are about 7.3 books about it), and about what mine is. There are five altogether: words of affirmation, gifts, quality time, and two more (I can't remember at the moment). Everyone gives and receives in these ways, but some more than others. I think I'd prefer to receive "words of affirmation" in the form of letters/cards/emails/notes/phone calls, and give "gifts" to express my love for others. I think. Oh yeah, so I need to get started on Christmas cards.
Goodnight. :)
There you go changing my plans again
There you go shifting my sands again
For reasons I don't understand again
Lately I don't have a clue
Just when I start liking what I see
There you go changing my scenery
I never know where you're taking me
But I'm trying just to follow you
It's out of my hands
It's out of my reach
It's over my head
And it's out of my league
There's too many things
That I don't understand
So it's into your will
And it's out of my hands
There you go healing these scars again
Showing me right where you are again
I'm helpless, and that's where I start again
I'm giving it all up to you
Move me, make me
Choose me, change me
Send me, shake me
Find me, remind me
The past is behind me
Take it all away
Take it all from me, I pray
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
things I've learned
~There often exist no happy mediums in Munro--it's either really warm or really cold.
~Prof Shea is my mother's cousin's roommate's sister.
~Boston truly is a rather small and easily navigated city (at least on foot).
~People are growing up and making me feel old.
~The Silver Line bus has to switch from electric to motor power at Silver Line Way, which is why it stops there.
~Friendships require work.
~how to better manage my time
~If you have a book to read for class, and it's a classic, chances are you can find it in the library and save yourself a few bucks.
Things I'm still trying to figure out:
That's about it for now.
Monday, November 13, 2006
a solution to the drama?
You know what would just solve all this drama? Aside from everyone just talking to each other, and being honest...
A few of our own Jerry Springer episodes. You know, everyone shouts at each other about what they can't stand about them, or accusing them of stuff...though, I don't know that I've seen a success story from Jerry Springer...I don't know that I've seen a full episode either.
So maybe not.
I am finding that by cloistering myself in my room, and barely talking to most people anymore (with the exception of quizzing, Angel, and a few others), I don't have any drama. But yet, running away isn't the solution. It'd be nice, though.
Relationships take WORK. There's one particular friendship I'm thinking of right now, where it could just be easiest to let the friendship wither away. But I don't want things to change, even
though we've changed. I don't know what this change means for our friendship, and it's gonna be tough trying to figure things out.
We can't make it through life on our own. Remember "About a Boy"? Last year, I feel it was that I was relying on people, and spending so much more time with friends that God got pushed to the side. This year, I am focusing on God and schoolwork and not so much my "friends". Schoolwork almost requires it to happen, especially right now.
Make the effort. I know I need to.
[on a lighter note]
Aunt Lori and I left MD at 7:11 pm last night, and I got back to campus at 3am. That was followed by 4 hours of sleep, an hour of class, 2 more hours of sleep, and then class again. Then more work.
But it was great seeing my youth group people, and the little kids in the church. At the afterglow, I ate with Kevin (3), and he wanted some of my "puppy chow" stuff (I told him not till after eating the food his mom gave me for him). I asked him if he wanted some of his hot dog/popcorn/etc, and he said no. Having observed John Mark getting him to eat Saturday night, I was like, "Here, Kevin, havea bite." So he ate.
Kevin: "Mommy, I found Jessica" :)
We're getting down to the end, guys!!! ACK!
Sunday, November 12, 2006
home and church
I talked to some of the teens today, but not too much. They're doing the service tonight, "Second Sunday Concert Series", and will be doing some songs and drama stuff. Yay! I'll actually be around for it! I didn't think I would be, so that's exciting. Maybe Jamie will actually come.
Pastor McDonald preached on ACTS (!!!) 9:1-6 today, and when I talked to Jen afterwards, she said, "I heard, then thought, 'Chapter 9'...I should know that..." haha. I can't wait to see her and Chelsea this weekend! (and Angel too)
Delaney, after service, was at the microphone calling out, "Everybody, gather up!" (to hear her sing). haha.
I could never live at home and have to do college classes and stuff. It is far too distracting, even being here for the weekend. I've done some studying and paper-writing, but this environment means relaxing, taking a break, and my dorm room says: "DO WORK!" See? I'm typing a blog! This reminds me of the summertime, keeping in touch with everyone from ENC.
Last night was AMAZING. We asked Pop-Pop, on a scale of 1-10, how he thought the day went, and he said 20. Awww. :) He was totally surprised to see Aunt Lori and I, and remembering how it took him FOREVER to notice us makes me laugh. 85 people ended up showing up, from both Mom-Mom and Pop-Pop's sides of the family, as well as church family. I got to see family that I don't usually see, like Mom-Mom's sister Aunt Mary (I love her). I did see a
bunch of Coheys, but I see them all the time, so if I miss seeing some of them at the holidays, I won't be terribly heartbroken, since I got to see them. It was nice talking to Pastor McDonald for a little while too. It was fun seeing the little kids last night, like Roman and his yoda-like ears. He's getting so big.
Kevin: "Do you like cold ice?"
Today Kevin asked me if I was going to school, cuz he seems to understand that I'm not always there because I have to go to school, far away. He was kicking his feet against the toybox, as he swung his feet, and was like, "This is like a bass drum".
I'm still trying to figure out my new niche back at Chestertown church, or if I have one other than being the grown-up kid that isn't quite grown-up. Some validation or something would be nice, but I mean, I'm rarely there, so there's not much I can do. Probably over Christmas I'll do nursery a few times, and see if Beth can use me with the teens. Maybe I'll ask her tonight.
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
life as a college student
The Good:
~I got a 100% on my Educ. exam and a 98% on my Linguistics one.
~Walmart's Trail Mix is really good.
~I'm understanding what we're doing in Calc 3 right now! There's a little bit that I don't quite get, though.
~Concentration Camp was last weekend, and it was super amazing. I'll put quotes up later.
~I babysit tomorrow. :)
~I'm unofficially going to the quiz this month. Meaning, I'm going to fulfill my Wolly duties but not being an official since I'm going home for the weekend. (shhh)
~I got my Wolly quiz t-shirt tonight! YES! First ever!
~I'm almost done Christmas shopping for my family--I just need to get something for Mom-Mom and Dad.
The Bad:
~I have 2 papers due Friday, one of which I don't want to do but I need to quit saying that.
~I need to do laundry this weekend.
~I'm not sure what I want to be "when I grow up." "Yo no quiero ser grande; soy un chico Toys R Us"
The Ugly:
~I have, as of this moment, 86 meals left to last me till the end of J-term. This means some strategic eating on my part.
Now to organize what I'm taking home (yes, that is NEXT weekend, but it gets me out of doing homework).