Friday, May 18, 2007

current glimpses

from Down by the River: "Marketing people learn that Mexicans believe the truth must be something bad, something constantly claimed by their government and therefore something very suspect." What does this mean in terms of ministry to them and sharing verses from the Bible, especially John 14:6 (Jesus is the way, truth, and life)?

I have this sense of sacredness in certain places, that where I am is holy ground, and to do anything but move and speak softly (or in some cases, to even enter) violates such sacredness. To name a few places, the New England Holocaust Memorial, some bedrooms, and old or empty churches. I felt like it was only proper to simply walk through the Holocaust Memorial silently, reading the information, and thinking about it. If I am ever in some family's house, and walk slightly into the parents' bedroom, I feel like I'm intruding. "Marriage should be honored by all." It's as though that's their space, and that's where the mystery of marriage is. Something like that. I visited the Trinity Church this past weekend (that's the one at Copley Square, right?), but only was in the foyer and downstairs in the bookstore. I couldn't help but want to tread softly, and speak softly if at all.

How can we alleviate the suffering of illegal immigrants? What are churches down there doing to help? What is the general church attitude? I'm pretty sure that "the least of these" includes those that the government refuses to help before they boot them out of the country.

Humanity is falling to pieces. We break each other and tear each other down. This brokenness is sin. Christ is the "glue" that will put us back together. Holiness, wholeness, comes when we allow Christ to put the broken pieces of our lives back together, when we can can help others put their broken lives back together. Whether it's relational or financial or personal, we're all broken in some way. We cannot be useful until we are whole again at the most basic levels (thank you Maslow).

As I've been learning about different situations, I cannot help but wonder, "What does this mean in terms of ministry? What can be done to fix this?"

What are your thoughts?

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