Thursday, June 11, 2009

Students Say the Darndest Things...

In the past couple weeks, I've been subbing at local middle schools and my high schools. The students have said some pretty entertaining stuff, and though I won't remember them all, here are some quotes for your enjoyment.
Me: Have you done your illustration for the story?
7th grade boy (points to a blank sheet of paper): Yeah, it's right here. Oh, man! I forgot! I shouldn't have used invisible ink! Now I'm going to have to start all over!
7th grade boy, excited about speaking in Spanish to me: Score ONE for the home team! (which might be my new saying. Isn't that sad--picking up sayings from middle schoolers?)
Some girls had this spray candy (think breath freshener, but sour), and offered it to this guy to try.
Guy (coughs): It's not too bad!
Me: Yeah, after the first cough.
After completing all her assignments for the day, this girl asked what else there was to do--I told her there were no more assignments, but she could find something to do while sitting quietly at her desk. "Do you mind if I sit there and sew?" Sew?! Go for it!

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